You want to give back to Kimball!!
Click here:
www.sdcommunityfoundation/org/kimball for a secure online credit card or Mail Check to:
Kimball Area Foundation
PO Box 16
Kimball, SD 57355
or if you are interested in other giving opportunities please contact Anita at 730-3237 or any of the Kimball Economic Development Board Members.
Anita Holan, Director
Joe Lenz
Tim Heath
Kathy Bogenhagen,
Dee Resick
Kelly Thomas
Jahn Schumacher,
Harold Bickner
Matt Dykstra
Kimball Economic Development
Board Members:
Kimball Chamber
Board Members:
Russ Ehlers - President
Tracey Walsh
Jesslon Walsh
Deb Ruiz
Brenda Ashley
Anita Holan
Bobbi Sperl
Derek Runge
Kimball City Council Members:
Wayne Tupper - Mayor
Harold Bickner
Matt Dykstra
Shelly Janish
Bill Gough
Joel Reiter
Bruce Robison
Katheryn Benton, Emergency Manager encouraged the Commission to enact a burn ban for Brule County as the vegetation is dry and with the high winds, low humidity and lack of excessive moisture it would be best right now to not burn. Commissioner Carson moved and Commissioner Dozark seconded to enact a burn ban for Brule County effective immediately. All members voted aye. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, Brule County is dedicated to taking steps to protect the health and safety of all residents of the County and all property within the County, and
WHEREAS, vegetation has not greened up as of yet, indicating that the risk of a dangerous fire is very high; and
WHEREAS, the Brule County Commission has consulted with the Emergency Manager and the Highway Superintendent; and
WHEREAS, for purposes of this Resolution, “open burning” shall be defined as any outdoor fire, including but not limited to campfires, warming fires, charcoal grill fires, or the prescribed burning of fence rows, fields, wildlands, trash and debris. This resolution excludes fires contained within liquid-fueled or gas-fueled stoves, fireplaces within all buildings, charcoal grill fires at private residences, and permanent fire pits or fire grates located on supervised developed picnic grounds and campgrounds, and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Brule County Commission enact this resolution on an emergency basis and impose a ban to prohibit or restrict open burning in order to protect the public health and safety pursuant to South Dakota Codified Law 7-8-20(18); and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the ban will be in place until the danger of damage from fire lessens and the Commission takes action to remove the ban.
BE IT FURTER RESOLVED that the fine not to exceed five hundred dollars and/or 30 days in jail; suppression costs of extinguishing the fire, including response fees, mutual aid assistance from other agencies or fire departments, reimbursement to governments for suppression efforts and compensation to the firefighters for time lost from their employment.
Dated this 1st day of April, 2021. Signed at Chamberlain, SD by Chairman Rich Rasmussen. Attest: Brule County Auditor, Pamela Petrak
Be looking for updates! We are in the works of having a 90 day challenge for grades 9-12th for KHS Students and a Leadership Program for all Leaders in Kimball.
Kimball Economic Development Board
The Kimball Economic Development Board would like to include more people from the community to help meet their goals so they broke into "pillars"! If you are interested in being more involved in our community with one of these pillars please contact 730-3237, watch for more information on upcoming meetings on Kimball, South Dakota Facebook, this website, and the white board by Post Office.
The PILLARS are:
Business Growth
Youth Involvement.
Kimball Area Foundation
Kimball Area Foundation is always looking for donations. Please check out: https://sdcommunityfoundation.org/csa/kimball-area-foundation/
Kimball Economic Development is working hard to get the EMPOWER Program brought to Kimball! Let's work together on what is important for our community! If you would like to be a part of the EMPOWER Program or would like to make a donation, please contact us! The priorities decided are:
Kimball, Shaping Our Future
1. Community Involvement
2. Community Pride
3. Community Center
4. Kickstart Housing
5. Pool & Park
6. Businesses Thriving
7. Engaging thru Recreation
The Empower Program has decided to work on Youth Projects in the Community and Leadership Training.